Prenatal and Postpartum

 Pregnancy Care

Chiropractic care can be helpful throughout pregnancy to help prepare the pelvis for labor and delivery.  Many people seek chiropractic care during pregnancy for:

  • The Webster Technique– a specialized assessment, protocol and adjustment to reduce stresses on the pelvis and the uterine ligaments
  • Sacral or SI joint pain (low back pain)- It is common during pregnancy to experience discomfort in the SI joints or around the sacrum.  These areas are taking on extra pressure and work as the baby is developing.  Gentle, specific adjustments to this area often decreases the discomfort and improve the overall pelvic function
  • Rib pain- The rib cage expands during pregnancy to accommodate for the growing baby.  Sometimes the ribs can become restricted and very uncomfortable during this process.  Adjustments help improved the function of the rib so that the area can move more freely.
  • Pubic Symphysis pain –  The joint in the front of the pelvis, the pubic symphysis, can become tender and sore during pregnancy (especially in subsequent pregnancies).  Adjustments to the sacrum, SI joints and/or pubic symphysis in addition to home exercises and recommendations can help manage and decrease discomfort in this area.
  • Carpal Tunnel –  Numbness and tingling in the hands and fingers during pregnancy can feel similar to carpal tunnel syndrome.  Adjustments to the wrist, elbow, shoulder, ribs and/or cervical spine may take pressure off the nerves and lymphatic system to improve discomfort.
  • Headaches and neck pain 


There are so many rapid changes that happen within the body during the postpartum time. Chiropractic care is helpful in supporting these changes and improving areas of discomfort.  Common areas of discomfort that patients seek chiropractic care for during the postpartum time are: neck and upper back pain and tightness, mid back pain and tightness, numbness and tingling in the hands, pelvic pain, headaches and more. Wellness care during the postpartum time is also important to help improve the pelvic function after birth.